Monday, May 23, 2011

Micheal Kenna

Micheal Kenna
This blog is meant to show our learning curve as well as influences for the current projects and ideas, which are emerging at the time. A photographer who i have constantly revisited and admired for his high quality of work and talent is Micheal Kenna. My recent work has been playing with the idea of portraying time and movement in a image.
Micheal Kenna was one of the key reasons why i invested in some neutral density filters. They allow the ability to prolong exposures and create dramatic and astonishing images such as ‘Iron Bridge’
The atmosphere and space is documented in such a way that the everyday scenes which would have been overlooked by many people, are transformed into such striking images.  These display such beauty due to the glossed over body of water, which makes everything appear tranquil and surreal. The reflections add a depth to the image, as does the tonal range apparent through using grayscale. 
One of the key things i have learnt whilst looking at this artists body of work is the high contrast approach he has to his Photographs, which after taking a few long exposures myself have become apparent that it is needed to produce images which grab attention and leave people mesmerized and feel as though they can interact with your images. 
Namhangang Iron Brige, Danyang, Chungcheongbukdo, South Korea, 2010, from (accessed 24/4/2011)

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